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Diversification strategy

Diversification strategy is part of company’s growth strategy. It is about targeting new markets and/or developing new offerings driven by innovation strategy.


investment opportunities in our target sectors to 2030.

Sectors offering diversification opportunities

Energy transition ● Future mobility ● Industry 4.0 ● Sustainable manufacturing ● Smart quality control and monitoring ● Sustainable food ● and more...

Diversification strategies can have different objectives. Advantages include higher revenue growth potential, market dominance, exploring fast growing markets, and increasing loyalty from existing customers.

How can companies approach diversification?

Diversification occurs in three main directions when a company departs from its core capabilities in pursuit of growth: vertically, horizontally, and laterally. These constitute the three main diversification types. Another variation is concentric diversification, which can either be horizontal or vertical, and where the company stays within its core capabilities.

Most firms want to stay in familiar territories and diversify into adjacent areas, either catering to the same market segment or using existing capabilities to develop a new product. However, if the whole industry sector has reached saturation, diversifying into new market segments to achieve internal growth targets becomes a priority. In order to execute an effective diversification strategy, company requires an already existing Innovation Strategy, both of which have to be aligned to achieve the companies overall strategic goals.

Understanding the different forms of diversification

Understanding horizontal diversification

Horizontal diversification means developing a new product that appeals to the same market segment supported by company’s Innovation Strategy. The product hinges on a new technology that requires different know-how and capabilities. Often this new product will be complementary to the existing one, since it targets the same market segment, increasing the likelihood of a successful launch and revenue growth. An example would be Tesla launching Powerwall, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Apple launching iTunes to complement its iPods, or Gatorade launching Gx Sweat Patch to detect hydration levels. When done well, horizontal diversification increases revenues and loyalty from a company’s existing customer base.

Understanding vertical diversification

Vertical diversification is when a company decides to vertically integrate up or down the value chain. The purpose could be to achieve better quality control of the component manufacturing, or better control of the marketing messaging during product distribution. Examples of this include Lego opening Lego stores, Apple opening Apple stores, or car manufacturers acquiring Li-ion battery startups, for example. When successfully deployed, companies can maintain and expand their current market dominance.

Understanding concentric diversification

Concentric diversification is diversification that happens in either a horizontal or vertical direction, but has to be built on the same or related technologies, or know-how. The core goal of concentric diversification is to complement your current products and enhance the experience of the current customers. In doing so, companies can solidify and increase their existing customer base. Examples of concentric diversification include Apple Watch and Cola Light.

Understanding lateral (or conglomerate) diversification

Lateral (or conglomerate) diversification is when a company expands into a new industry and targets new customers with a brand-new offering. Often it is exploring rapidly growing markets. A special type of this diversification is when a company diversifies into an emerging area with no large players, as part of their White Space Strategy, also know as blue ocean. Examples of lateral diversification are BlackBerry offering security software or IBM moving into quantum computing. This diversification is very risky, but promises exponential growth.

There are always risks when a company diversifies away from its core capabilities to grow. But there are many ways to reduce and manage those risks. We share our views on crafting an effective diversification strategy.

Proportion of worldwide shipments of smartwatches made by Apple in Q1 2022


Compound annual growth rate in the quantum computing market between 2022 and 2030


2022 revenues generated by Tesla’s diversification into home battery storage

What are the risks of diversification?

Diversification involves allocating resources across various investments. However, if spreading resources too thinly, it might dilute the focus, potentially leading to suboptimal results. It will also require acquiring new skills, technologies, or resources, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Diversification is also risky for companies operating outside their in-house capabilities and comfort zone. This risk can be reduced, however, by working with external innovation consulting firms who have deep knowledge of the new area. Such firms have access to subject experts and often can make the difference between success and failure, see CamIn’s Expert Consulting Model.

How to create a successful diversification strategy

The goal of a diversification strategy is twofold. First, to analyse all possible diversification directions to pinpoint the best destination (answering the “where to”), see below, and then highlighting exactly how to get there (answering the “how”), which is covered by our Technology Scouting and Product Innovation Roadmap guides.

Holistic diversification strategy framework

Before going through the diversification strategy framework, be clear what is the purpose of this process and which diversification type is the most suitable to meet your strategic goals. Then, follow the following process:

Activity Action
Understand your customers Engage with your current and prospective customers to gather feedback. Analyse not just your offering, but the whole customer journey from start to finish. Understand their pain points, preferences, and unmet needs. Use surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. to gain insights. Stay informed about industry trends and the key drivers. This will determine the level of customer demand and viability of diversification.
Understand your position in the value chain If vertical diversification is of interest, analyse the value added up and down the value chain to determine whether you will have a competitive edge in your current offering if you also occupy that space.
Understand latest innovation trends and forecast Conduct technology landscapes and forecasts related to the space to understand what newest innovation is emerging. Make sure to include scientific literature, patents, and expert interviews in order not to miss any game-changing technologies.
Identify and evaluate innovation use cases The most challenging aspect is to be able to identify which newest innovation can make an impact for which customer need, how, and whether the customers would want it vs the current substitutes. Another challenging step is to be able to determine when this newest innovation will be realistically feasible for you to base a new product or service on, ranging from quick-wins to 10+ years.
Conceptualise your new offering Examine your existing offering and based on the findings, analyse ways to change, enhance, or alter them to better serve your current or new customers. Consider additional features, presentation, complementary products, business model, etc. If you are going through the process of concentric diversification, consider brand new offering that complement your current products in line with the customer journey.
Develop a business case

This step is very complex, as it is very multi-dimensional. You need to determine with a great certainty the following aspects:

  • Market desirability: Make sure this offering is desirable by the market segment, it is better than the current alternatives, solves a large enough issue for a large enough market, and customers' switching barriers are low.
  • Product feasibility: Make sure the underlying technology is sound and suitable for the target market, will not become obsolete within a short period of time, and there is already proof that such offering can be developed.
  • Business viability: Make sure you as a business have the right capabilities to develop and offer such product or service, the required CAPEX and OPEX are within your operating limits, and this direction has high synergy with your overall strategy.

In the final recommendation quantify the potential impact of each diversification opportunity and prioritise each of them on a roadmap.

Steps after diversification strategy In line with a lean start-up approach, aim to get to the minimum viable product (MVP) stage as fast as possible by acquiring the missing capabilities. See Technology Scouting and Product Innovation Roadmap guides.