Founded at the University of Cambridge, CamIn is powered by 100,000+ tech and industry experts to support its clients’ transformation, new business, and growth strategy needs

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Introducing CamIn

Challenges we solve

90% of product innovation initiatives fail when companies explore new growth areas. Why?

Internal teams are often constrained by limited expertise and siloed perspectives that create dangerous blind spots.

Strategies by run-of-the-mill management consultants often lack the technical depth and granularity needed, resulting in vague directions.

Companies adopt innovations pitched by biased start-ups without fully understanding the alternatives, leading to slow and unsuccessful trial-and-error pilots.

Wouldn't you prefer a product strategy that cuts through the hype and focuses on business cases with strong market desirability, implementation viability, and technological feasibility?

By filtering out dead-end growth directions and overhyped technologies, we have increased the success rate and ROI for our clients through our unique expert consulting model.


Unlike a traditional consulting firm, for every project, CamIn manages agile interdisciplinary teams handpicked from a pool of 100,000+ of world-class technology and industry experts.

Direct access to such expertise allows us to get the latest insights into emerging growth areas, giving your team confidence to act quickly and decisively in a competitive space.
Science & Technology Experts
UC Berkeley ● MIT ● Cambridge ● Oxford ● TU Delft ● Johns Hopkins ● NREL ● Fraunhofer Institute (and more)
Industry Experts
Morgan Stanley ● IKEA ● Unilever ● Microsoft ● Qualcomm ● IBM ● Apple ● Pfizer ● Covestro ● GSK (and more)

Our Expertise-on-demand Delivery Models

CamIn acts as a flexible full-service strategic innovation partner helping it's clients from identifying new lucrative diversification and white space opportunities to successfully launching new products / services. CamIn engages it's clients in the following expertise-on-demand delivery models:


We provide strategic support in 3-6 month engagements where we confirm diversification and white space opportunities based on your competitive position and roadmap how to capture them.

Innovation Support

We provide innovation support in 1-3 month project sprints to push potential product / service opportunities through the innovation pipeline from ideation to launch.


We provide quick research on innovation and market questions, delivering them through insight reports, conferences, workshops, and advisory board meetings.

CamIn’s Breadth


Over $30 trillion of innovation opportunities


1,000+ new use cases already identified


Over 100,000 global specialists


Serving clients from 22 different industries


Innovation use case areas

Our Latest Executive Summaries